Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich Recipe

Who doesn’t love a good ice cream cookie sandwich? This recipe is for the ultimate homemade ice cream cookie sandwich, made with rich and creamy ice cream sandwiched between two soft and chewy cookies. So simple to make and everyone will love them. These ice cream sandwiches make the perfect picnic treat.

Grab your ingredients!

– Half Gallon Vanilla Ice Cream –Cake Mix Cookie – Topping

Make the cake mix cookies according to the directions 30 minutes before assembling the cookie, freeze the cookies. Add the toppings in a separate bowl or plates for each one.

How to Make

Place a cookie upside down, with the top on the table and add a scoop of ice cream on it.

Place another cookie on top, right side up, pressing it down lightly.

Clean the ice cream that has come out from sides of the cookies. Roll the sandwich into the toppings that you choose. If the toppings do not stick well, press it in with your hand. Place the finished sandwich on a cookie sheet, pan or plate covered with a piece of parchment paper. Put in the freezer for 10-20 minutes to harden. Store in a freezer bag.