Looking for jokes for kids? These Easter Jokes for Kids are perfect for kids’ Easter baskets or to put inside plastic Easter eggs for egg hunts. Print out these Easter jokes and see how many the kids learn to tell.

Funny Easter Jokes Printable for Kids
My kids love jokes. The sillier or cornier the better. I love to look up easy Easter jokes for them to remember, then they can tell everyone they know. So, we thought it would be fun to include Easter Eggs jokes when we do our Easter Egg hunts.

Jokes for Kids
These Easter Jokes for Kids are fun for kids to tell and they are easy enough that young kids can remember them. The Easter jokes are also easy enough is that kids can understand them. What good are jokes if the kids don’t understand them and you have to explain them?
What’s the Difference Between a Joke and a Riddle?
There is a difference between jokes and riddles. Jokes are intended to be funny. Something to give a giggle. Sometimes the jokes are spoken or can be written down. Riddles are stories, questions and answers, or poems that are are a puzzle.
Non-Candy Easter Egg Hunt Ideas
Easter has a lot of fun family events. One of which is Easter Eggs Hunts. We love to host Easter Eggs Hunts. If you are trying to organize an Easter Eggs Hunt, you might realize that candy isn’t always an option. You might be worried about allergies or just loading kids up with sugar. If you are looking for non-candy Easter Egg Hunt Ideas. These printable Easter Egg Jokes are perfect. Other ideas for non-candy Easter Egg Hunt Ideas are stickers and small trinkets and toys. You can get these from the dollar store or online at stores like Oriental Trading Company. Then the Easter Bunny hop along and hide the eggs.

Easter Jokes for Kids Printed as Stickers
You can buy sticker paper and print these Easter Jokes on them. Leave the backing on the stickers when you cut them out and put them in the Easter eggs.
Get these Christmas Jokes for Kids
To Print These Easter Jokes
Click the picture to get the PDF file. This makes the Easter Jokes easy to print and cut out.
How to Teach Kids to Tell Jokes
When you want to teach kids to tell jokes, you need to teach them to tell the joke as is. My daughter had the hardest time remembering the joke so she would pause and say um a lot. It makes it hard to understand the joke. And teach kids to remember the punch line. Have kids read these jokes until they get to the point that they can remember and tell the jokes.
More Easter Activities for Kids
- Easter Felt Carrot Treat Bags Craft
- How to Make Slime with Peeps
- Simple Egg Bunny Craft for Kids
- Easy Painted Paper Bunny using Toilet Paper Rolls
- Easter Crafts for Kids and Adults

Want more jokes for kids?
Get our Halloween Jokes and Riddles for Kids and Thanksgiving Jokes for kids.
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