Want to know about the 2023 Weight Watchers changes? There is a new plan coming this year. Find out about the Weight Watchers 2023 plan change
2023 Weight Watchers Changes
As we head into the new year, of course, the Weight Watchers community is already talking about the upcoming Weight Watchers Changes for 2023. We have even started to see some new changes for November 2022. This new program is being offered earlier than expected. It is the first time we are seeing a change so quickly. Weight Watchers normally makes a new plan every 2 years with just a few tweaks.

What Is Happening In November-December 2022?
We are going to be saying goodbye to the personal points plan in December of 2022. We will be seeing an entirely new plan in mid-November. Members will have the option to start the new plan or stay with the points plan, but once December hits, everyone will be automatically enrolled in the new plan. This swift shift in the Weight Watchers community is very exciting for someone like me, who has been a part of it for a while now.
While there are some questions about what the exact changes will look like, this is what we are hearing so far.
Why Are Weight Watchers’ Personal Points Plan Ending?
Of course, this change makes it clear that the points plan isn’t working as well as it should for weight loss. There have been many users who have opened up about their struggle to lose weight on the points plan. Saying that certain aspects of the plan make it hard to follow through with their journeys which resulted in many choosing to leave Weight Watchers entirely or switch over to other weight-loss programs like MyfitnessPal, Healthi, or LoseIt.
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When Will WW Release Their New Plan?
For many months, there have been hints about the new changes being released earlier than normal for Weight Watchers. There has been a number of people in the community that are able to enroll in a test program. Weight Watchers has also discounted their cookbooks making them 50% off which is typical for when they decide to announce changes.
WW Member: “I received an email asking if I would be interested in piloting a new points system beginning August 1. I said yes and filled out the survey but didn’t get picked. So, they are definitely piloting something new. Not sure of any details as I didn’t get picked.”
We are hoping to see the new change the week of November 14, 2022. This information comes from the coaches for Weight Watchers’ in-person workshops. They recommend that you update the WW app to be able to see the changes once they are released. Now, I will let you know now that Weight Watchers has not officially declared that this is when it will be released, but as members of the app, you have the option to chat with the coaches and send questions about the plans.
You can watch the video below from Dish with Deedee who has information directly from a WW coach.
Breakdown Of Dish with Deedee’s Video: What Will This New Weight Watchers Plan Look Like?
It will be simple and streamlined and will make everyone be on the same plan, except diabetics. Zero-point foods will be the same for everyone besides diabetics and recipes will have a set number of points. Daily points will range and go off on your sex, age, height, and weight.
You will continue to get daily points allotment and weekly points allowance. You will not be able to earn any points for eating vegetables or drinking water. But, you can earn points still for physical activity. It will have a similar look to the Blue WW Plan from before and Freestyle. And, finally calculating your food’s point value will still stay the same.
What Foods Will Be Zero Points and What Foods Will Not For The New Plan?
All members will be on the same 0-point foods list. Make note that those on a diabetic plan will be the only exception. Foods that will count as Zero point foods will include non-starchy vegetables, fruit, lean poultry, fish, tofu, non-fat, plain greek yogurt, non-fat cottage cheese, eggs, beans, lentils, peas, corn, and popcorn (plain).
Foods that will not be zero-point foods will include potatoes, oatmeal, and brown rice. Now, this does not mean you can’t eat these foods, it just means they will have points now.
New Weight Watchers Plan Means New Name: What Will It Be?
Unfortunately, we have yet to hear word on what the new plan’s name will be, but once we do, we will update you as soon as possible. Now, be warned that there is another new plan name called “Core”, but this is for the online-only version of the digital plan, not the food plan.

What Are Your Thoughts On This New Plan?
With change comes new opportunities and I can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts on the upcoming changes that are heading to us. Do you prefer the points plan or was it not working well for you? Do you like how frequently Weight watchers update their plans? Will these new changes help you with your weight loss journey? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think!
June Walton
I gained weigh on last program and dropped out of WW. They won’t open in Weston W.V. They say this is for our health but I believe it is about there money .
Marleen Camps
I am from Belgium. Do you know if they changes will come to Europa to ?
Joanne Sprickman
I think I will like it. I don’t think oatmeal should be free, it is a lot of calories. What I hated about Lose It was seeing the calories I co aimed and the the exercise points. I don’t believe we should be eating the exercise points. Seeing those lines, makes me think u can wait a lot more. I do cardio most days for an hour. I followed lose it for 2 months and only lost 6 lbs. I love that they are not giving points for water and veggies. I makes you eat more than you should.
Marketing drives Weight Watchers. Your article and others are saying that weight watchers is losing members to others plans.
Jean Parr
I don’t like the new plan. I don’t like that ww changes their plans so frequently. I was on the green plan and lost 55 pounds. And then they rolled out Freestyle. I could not lose weight on this plan. Actually I gained. So that was the end of ww for me.
Wanda Powell
I was
Doing good until the studios were shutdown because of Covid. Now I don’t have a studio close to me. The closest one is 38 miles away and I can’t afford to drive an hour every week. I am very disappointed that all the studios haven’t opened back up. Please open one in Wallace NC 28466.
My daughter has been on WW for years so I gave it a try. What a nightmare! The terminology was new to me, of course, and I struggled.. Then the next thing I new they revamped… I had lost weight but the zero point hype about sweet potatoes and avocados were gone in an instant. Then I got the flu and when I recovered, WW shifted gears and I was lost. This sucks. They promise you one thing and are content to keep your money. I can’t even choose to keep the point system I was getting to know. I am 72 and change comes slowly. Having to shift gears in my own mind is difficult. I lost weight prior to covid with keto and then calorie counting. What it comes down to, I guess is my personal choice as to how much I eat of what. And people who “crave” something, well, my interpretation is if you don’t bring it into your house, it ain’t there to crave.
Back to basics for me. The number of points counted or not, the extra points earned or now not—c’mon! You are losing me. People have often said WW is a lifestyle. Fine. True life styles don’t change every six months at the whim of the master computer calculator. Count me out. Even the cheap plan is too much if it it a moving target.