This post brought to you by TruMoo. All opinions are 100% mine.
It’s almost Hallloween. Are you ready to serve some yummy, special Halloween treats. My kids love having treats that they feel are special. I like when I can control what is in those treats. When I came across TruMoos Halloween flavor, Orange Scream, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I wanted to make Creamsicle Cookies N Cream Ice cream. What I love about this recipe is that anyone can make ice cream with it. You do not have to have an ice cream maker. You can certainly use an ice cream maker, but it isn’t needed.
TruMoo Orange Scream, and all of the TruMoo Milks, is pure milk from a trusted dairy that does not use artificial growth hormones. It contains 8 essential nutrients. Each of the flavors of milk is sweetened with just enough sugar and best of all, doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup.
Creamsicle Cookies N Cream Ice cream

1 cup of heavy cream
3 Cups of TruMOO Orange Scream Orange Flavored Milk
1 Cup of Sugar (The cookies and flavored milk add sweetness, so you can easily cut this down to make it a little more healthy.)
1 teaspoon vanilla
About 1 1/2 cups of crushed Halloween inspired Sandwich cookies
Chop up the cookies. You can smash them or crush them or chop them into bits.

In a large bowl, pour the heavy cream, Orange Scream TruMoo milk, sugar and vanilla into a bowl.

Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Pour into the shallow dish and put in the freezer. About every half hour, you need to stir the mixture. This makes the mixture freeze more like ice cream, rather than a block of frozen dairy. The more you stir it, as the ice crystals form, the creamier the ice cream will be.

After about 4 hours, add in the cookies. If you add it in sooner, the cookies break down as you stir, causing your ice cream to look like chocolate ice cream, and almost the color of wet sand. That taste stays the same, maybe a little sweeter, but it ruins the pretty orange color.

After about 8 hours, give it another stir and it is ready to serve.

Have you ever tried to make your own ice cream? Do you think this Creamsicle Cookies n Cream Ice Cream would be a good addition to your Halloween fun?
You can connect with TruMoo on Facebook, Pinterest, and visit their website for more delicious TruMoo Halloween recipes
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